Tuesday, July 13, 2010

BIG NEWS!! We are moving to ATHENS!!
For some time now Alan has felt like he would be able to be more effective in launching "Natural Church Developement" in Athens where there are more churches and the pastors are more open. His greek co-worker and he have been back and forth many times to Athens to meet and talk with the pastors. However, that alone wasn't enough to make us uproot ourselves. Alan was offered a position to work with the Greek Evangelical Alliance to develope unity between the churches in Greece and the missionary community, as well as networking. Alan is very excited about this position as he feels that he will be using his gifts more and will be able to influence the churches in Greece in a greater capacity.
I will be sad to be leaving Thessaloniki and working in the shelter, but I am excited about this move and feel that the timing is right. There are so many ministries in Athens to be a part of and I want to take some time to check them out and see where God wants me, including a ministry to trafficked women.
Nadia and Sierra will be attending a Christian academy this year. Sierra is willing to stay home this year but will be returning to Dakar for her Junior and Senior years. Nadia asked to leave the Greek public school and so we found this Christain school (the only one in Greece) which is in English and has grown to 150 students. Many of the students are from other countries but have come to the Christian school for its excellence in education and to improve their English. The girls will be in a multi-cultural setting as many of the students are from the Phillipines, Russia, Pakistan, Iran, Poland, Greek-American, and others. They are nervous and excited at the same time.
Amber will be attending a year at the Greek Bible College in Athens called the "Alpha" course which is all in English and accredited by Liberty University. She is taking a "Gap" year to study Bible and to take some time to search out what God has planned for her. Right now she is in China with her grandmother, a graduation gift, teaching Chinese students English using "The Lion, Witch, and the Wordrobe" as their theme. She will return the end of July.
We have already found a place and closed on it and our moving date is set for the end of Aug./ first of Sept.

Please pray for our family during this transition time and for the finances needed to make such a big move. Thank you so much for your prayers!!! We couldn't be here without them!

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