Sunday, October 25, 2009

What's Up in Greece

Sorry that it has been so long since I have written anything on the blog. Since our last post two of our girls had birthdays. Sierra is now 15 and Nadia is 13. We officially have all teenagers in the "house". Actually we only have one in the house and "Uncle John" and "Aunt Jenny" (the dorm parents) have the other two:)

My parents (Whitney's) came for a visit during Nadia's birthday and we had a great time with them. They were able to help out with projects around the house as well be involved with some of the ministries that we are helping.

One of those ministries is with the Gypsies. Alan has been talking with some of the adults at the airport camp and they have been interested in meeting once a week to talk about the Bible. Alan and our friend have been praying for some time to start a church there and now they are seeing the beginning of a small group forming. Please pray for these Gypsies that God will make Himself known to them.
Alan also had the opportunity to attend an Albanian Gypsy wedding. The wedding spanned over a 4 day period and Alan helped out with taking video of the events. When he gets it all put together, we'll post it hear on our blog.

I have been volunteering with an organization called A21 reaching out to women who are trafficked. I have been helping in the safe house. See the "Door of Life" section of the Blog to read more.

Below are a few pictures of our girls. Amber and Sierra have been doing well and the passed their first grading period with flying colors. However, homesickness is setting in as they had a Harvest Fest at the school this past week-end and many of the parents of their fellow students came to participate in the activities. Guess whose parents were missing? This caused some homesickness. The Dorm parents call November the graveyard month because this is when everything starts to pile up school wise and emotion wise. It's the most difficult month to get through before Christmas break. Please pray for the girls that God will give them added strength to complete the first sem. strong.
Nadia is hanging in there without her sister's but is constantly planning for when they will return. December will be a month of a lot of tears and laughter. We will definitely cherish those days!!

Thank you for praying for us. We couldn't be hear without them!